Introducing the 2019 GNSS Mentors


Mentor : Asti Bhatt
Dr. Asti Bhatt is a Sr. Research Engineer at SRI International’s Center for Geospace Studies. Her scientific interests is to study the dynamics in the space-atmosphere interaction region that gets significantly affected by the solar and atmospheric events. Specifically, she studies the fundamental properties of the ionospheric plasma, large-scale upper atmospheric wave processes in response to energetic events from the sun and from the troposphere, and energetic auroral particle precipitation in the earth’s polar regions. She has built and operated a network of optical observatories for studying the upper atmospheric emissions, and has led initiatives to improve data and software collaboration between geospace scientists.


Mentor: Atilim Gunes Baydin

Atilim Gunes Baydin is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Oxford, working at the intersection of generative modeling, probabilistic programming, and deep learning. His current work is on enabling efficient probabilistic inference in large-scale simulators in particle physics, in collaboration with CERN researchers. He co-organizes the Deep Learning for Physical Sciences workshop at the Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) conference, covering applications of machine learning to problems in physical sciences. He received his PhD in artificial intelligence from Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona in 2013. His research interests also include automatic differentiation, hyperparameter optimization, and evolutionary algorithms.


Mentor: Bennie Lewis

Dr. Bennie G. Lewis Jr. is a Research Scientist in the Advanced Technology Center at Lockheed Martin Space Sunnyvale/Palo Alto California with a focus on AI, Deep Learning / Machine Learning, AR/VR, Embedded Systems, Cognitive Systems, Space Systems, Human Machine Interaction, and Robotics. Prior to his current role, he was a Software Engineer for Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control Orlando Florida. He has a B.S. and M.S in Computer Engineering as well as a Ph.D. in Computer Engineering with a focus in robotics and intelligent systems from the Department of Electrical Engineer and Computer Science at the University of Central Florida working in the Intelligent Agents Lab.


Introducing the 2019 Super-Resolution Mentors


Introducing the 2019 SDO Mentors